Most of us retreat to our homes after schlepping through rush-hour traffic thinking that we are escaping the pollution. There is, however, a good deal of research that has shown indoor pollution to be worse than outdoor pollution. This makes sense, as there aren't walls and a roof over the interstate.
Before donning the Hazmat Suit, take a trip to your local nursery and grab a few plants for your home and office. Plants not only purify the air and provide fresh oxygen—they are also some of the most powerful Feng Shui tools around.
There are many books ("How To Grow Fresh Air" by B.C. Wolverton) and websites that discuss this for further reading about which plants are best for which indoor situations, and for which plants are best for Feng Shui—and which are not (which are pretty much just cacti and any plant that looks like it could—or actually could—hurt you).
For those of us who would rather die than put a Ficus Tree in our living room—there are many other options that won't leave your home looking like a porno set.
a Dracaena "Janet Craig" Plant
According to NASA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_air-filtering_plants), The Dracaena "Janet Craig" Palm, that specializes in removing Tricholoroethylene—we don't even know what that is, but it doesn't sound like something we'd want wafting through baby's room. This also removes most known pollutants in general.
English Ivy
Peace Lily
And, there is the ever-faithful Peace Lily. A Feng Shui favorite, which, as it so happens, is also one of the top removers of toxins.
In addition to cleaning the air, having plants in your home and office are great Feng Shui. They regulate energy, are symbols of prosperity, and can also demonstrate your space's ability to sustain life. In other words, if you're caring for your plants properly and they're still dying—it may be a good sign that it's time to find somewhere that is more conducive to the creative and abundant lifestyle you desire.