Thursday, September 17, 2009

Good Vibrations

We live in a vibrational Universe. Everything is vibration.

Everything we see, touch, hear, smell, taste is vibration.

If one were to look under a really super-duper powerful microscope at, say, a rock, they would see that it is not the inanimate object it appears to be. They may even find that it is vibrating at a frequency much faster than something that appears to be moving.

Over The Rainbow

The easiest measurable vibrations are those relating to our sense of hearing. The average human can hear between the frequencies of 20Hz to 20kHz (in other words: 20 individual sound "waves" per second to 20,000 cycles per second).

Above that there are radio waves, television waves, and radar waves. Then way up around 384 tHz (yes, 384 million wave cycles per second) we arrive at the color red—the beginning of our sense of sight then up through orange, yellow, green, blue and violet (ending around 769 tHz).

Continuing on we have ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays. The scale continues into petaHz all the way up to yottaHz (we Wikipedia'd that), in which science will soon discover the frequencies of smell, touch and taste.

Rainbow In The Rear-View

Going beyond the five senses—everything we feel is vibration.

Have you ever been in a really bad mood and your iPod's in shuffle mode and some song comes on that you normally really love—but right now, it's just annoying?

It's because, just like in music, certain notes (frequencies) harmonize with each other, and others are in discord with each other and sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Feelings have frequencies too, and good feeling frequencies harmonize with good feeling frequencies—across the board. In other words, things that look good, smell good, sound good, taste good, feel good to the touch—all resonate with emotions that feel good.

When combined, it can be ecstasy. Anyone who has experienced a gourmet, romantic, candlelit dinner would attest.

People who score films understand the power of combining resonant frequencies to trigger audience's emotions. (Imagine "Jaws" without the music.) Sometimes they'll even juxtapose vibrations by putting light and campy music over dark and violent scenes to cross the viewers' wires.

What does this have to do with Feng Shui?

Everything. Feng Shui is all about harmonizing energy. And, as illustrated above, energy is vibration. This is why if you want to enhance the Prosperity section of your home, you also want to enhance the Helpful People and Travel section—because they harmonize with each other. Likewise, if the Family section needs bolstering, add some cures to the Creativity and Children section, and so on for all of the sections.

Walk into your home or office through the front door (or the one that is used most) and stand just inside the door. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? Does it feel good?

It's really that simple: make it feel good to you. Of course there are myriad Feng Shui cures and rules which could be applied and, yes, it would feel good.

Here are some simple things you can do to begin to harmonize the frequencies of your home—one sense at a time:

  • Walk through your space and play a tibetan bell or a gong to balance the energy of your home. Let meditative music play while you are away and while you sleep.
  • Burn incense and candles so it smells delicious.
  • Keep a vase stocked with fresh flowers for beauty (and scent).
  • Chant mantras, listen to music, pray or sing over your food as your prepare it to balance its energy.
  • Keep plenty of living plants around to add beauty, life and to clear the air. Touch them and express appreciation for them as you care for them.
It's Not What You Think. Okay, it is...

Again: everything is vibration. And we've saved the best for last here, and that's the one thing in this entire Universe that you can control: your thoughts.

Thoughts are vibrational. And it's virtually impossible to maintain happy, blissful thoughts all the time; especially in a culture where we have more audial/visual stimulation in one month than people 100 years ago experienced in a lifetime. (Not to mention the barrage of cell phone/radio/TV frequencies pummeling us left and right.) What we can do is breathe deep, and understand that there's a 99.9% chance that whatever's making us feel off kilter has nothing to do with us. And just trying to feel a little better this moment than the last. Slowly, gently raising the vibration of our thoughts to a frequency that matches all else that feels good.

In like fashion, slowly, gently begin to remove a little clutter here, add a little crystal there, and before you know it, you will find yourself in vibrational harmony with everything the majority of the time.

Sound good?