The difference is that this is a cure within itself. You may print it out and put one in every room (make sure the Career section (the one with the water droplet) is facing the door (or North, depending on which school of Feng Shui you choose). And, remember, as with most Feng Shui cures, it can be hidden from view; it is your intention that is important.
Stick one in the glove box of your car (see the Road Shui article for more) with the Career section facing the front of the car.
Put one under your desk calender with the Career section facing you.
You can even print one out and carry it in your wallet while you travel.
This particular Bagua has visual representations of the various sections, incorporated with the color and numbers associated with them. In the middle, there is a Yin-Yang symbol which indicates balance, surrounded by the I-Ching, a symbol representing ancient Chinese texts, also known as The Book of Changes.
Print it. Laminate it. Have your way with it.
Thank you for the sharing!! feng shui